Best Ayurveda Hospitals in Kerala

Kerala Ayurvedic Center 

Treatment from best Kerala Ayurvedic Center for Muscular dystrophy (MD,) is a condition that causes progressive weakness and loss of muscle mass. This disease ultimately restricts a person’s mobility. This is a hereditary ailment that can affect someone at any age. However, this disorder is more often diagnosed in infancy, and it is more common in boys than in girls.

A muscular dystrophy is a form of muscular dystrophy.

Muscular dystrophy causes defective or incomplete information in a person’s chromosomes. This prevents the production of proteins that are important for muscle growth and development.

MD’s most famous effects

MD’s most common symptoms vary from person to person. Some people may have trouble walking and making other hand and foot movements, while others may have difficulty breathing. This may also result in the loss of various bodily functions.

Ayurvedic Muscle Dystrophy Therapy

Mamsavatakshaya, or impairments of Mamsagni, is the Ayurvedic term for muscular dystrophy (muscle enzyme). Ayurveda’s holistic approach, which involves clinically validated herbs, diet, and yogic support, has proven to be of great advantage to children and adults with neuromuscular disorders and muscular dystrophy.

MD is handled in an Ayurvedic way by ensuring proper nutrition for the body and muscle tissue and controlling the fire portion of the muscular tissues. Ayurvedic herbs increase Agni, a vital factor in the synthesis of cellular protein, which slows muscle tissue deterioration. Ayurvedic therapies also preserve and improve the range of motion of all of the body’s joints.

We treat muscular dystrophy with panchakarma therapies. This includes udvartana with steam, abhyanga, and swedam, dhanyamla dhara, nasya karma, karna pooranam, and sneha Panam, as well as dhanyamla dhara, nasya karma, karna pooranam, and sneha Panam. Virechanam, Shiro vasti, Shiro Dhara, sarvanga Dhara (Pizhichil), Shiro Pichu, thalam, navarakizhi, vasti (Mustadi raja yapan vasti), Rasayana chikitsa, and other treatments are used as well. Mud therapy and enema are two other treatments: meditation, pranayama, yoga, exercise, diet, and lifestyle improvements. You can definitely contact us, we are known as the best Kerala ayurvedic center.

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